COVID-19 Outbreak at Hawthorn Village
8th June 2020

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has confirmed the presence of an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Hawthorn Village, Bright. To date 1 case has been detected. The resident is currently being isolated in hospital in Melbourne after being transferred for unrelated health matters. There currently are no other residents or staff with symptoms.
COVID-19 has caused outbreaks of illness in the Australian community, and local transmission has occurred in some communities. Residential care facilities are particularly susceptible to COVID-19 outbreaks. Even when facilities actively try to prevent outbreaks occurring, illness in the wider community may lead to residents or staff contracting COVID-19 and further transmission occurring.
Steps are being taken to limit the spread of the virus at this facility.
Outbreak management response
Alpine Health is working closely with DHHS to identify, manage and control this outbreak in a safe and timely manner. The following actions are being undertaken in coordination with DHHS.
- All residents and families have been contacted
- Contact tracing has commenced and is ongoing
- Staff identified as close contacts have been advised to self-quarantine
- Residents identified as close contacts have been placed in quarantine
- Daily screening for symptoms of COVID-19 has been implemented for all staff and residents
- All residents have been restricted to their room except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. for medically necessary purposes)
- Communal dining and group activities have ceased
- All outings and activities have been cancelled
- All non-essential appointments, investigations, transfers and movements have been deferred
- Visitors to the facility are restricted except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. end of life situations)
- Infection Prevention and Control measures have been implemented in the form of use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when providing care to suspected and confirmed residents, increased cleaning, and the promotion of hand hygiene and physical distancing measures for all staff, residents and visitors to the facility
As per current DHHS guidelines:
- Residents who are confirmed as a case of COVID-19 will be required to remain in isolation until DHHS advises that they meet criteria for release from isolation – this is assessed on a case by case basis
- All Residents are identified as close contacts and will be required to remain in quarantine for a period of 14 days from last incidence of close contact with a case.
- Contact tracing has commenced. Close contacts will be contacted by the Department of Health.
How you can help
It is more important than ever to maintain physical distancing and good hygiene practices. If you do feel unwell and have COVID-19 symptoms, please self-isolate, get tested and quarantine yourself until you get your results. Do not go to public places.
For further information regarding COVID-19, please refer to the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services website:
Media Enquiries
All media enquiries to the CEO Lyndon Seys on 03 5751 9300 or Nadine Peppler Marketing Officer 0488 444 367.