Social Support Groups | Alpine Health
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Social Support Groups

If you are facing a major illness or a major life change, you don't have to go it alone. 

Sharing your personal experiences and connecting with people who understand what you are going through can make you feel less isolated and help you find new ways to deal with your situation. Support groups can provide a friendly face, a cuppa and chance to connect.

There are many support groups run by volunteers in the Alpine Shire.  Some we know about and some we don't, so if you have a support group you'd like to promote to the community on this page please contact [email protected] 

Alpine Move Group – formerly Kiewa Valley Arthritis Group

The Alpine Move Group is a support group that focuses on arthritis self-help, education and awareness and water exercise but is open to all people who are interested in improving their health and mobility through a low impact water exercise program ie arthritis, diabetes, and other health conditions.

Contact:   Heather Jackson 0407 885 042

The ‘Flex and Bend’ sessions have a small cost and are led by qualified MOVE instructors.

BRIGHT - (all year round)

Location:              Bright Sports Centre - 17m indoor heated pool

Sessions:             Monday 10.00am – 11.00am

                  Friday 10.30am – 11.30am

MT BEAUTY - (November - March)

Location:             Mt Beauty Sports Centre  - solar heated 33m pool

Sessions:            Tuesday 10.30am – 11.30am

                 Thursday 10.30am – 11.30am


Alpine Telechat

A regular chat to connect people in the Alpine Shire.

Alpine Telechat provides a regular telephone call to people in the Alpine Shire who would benefit from a weekly social chat. The regular call provides social connection and a link to the community.

Alpine Telechat is a free service and people can refer themselves or be referred by a family member, relative or friend, health professional or community service provider. 

Alpine Telechat is run by the Alpine Independant Aged Care Advocacy Service Inc. in partnership with the Red Cross.

Get in contact with Alpine Telechat

Phone: 0407 142 716  or 

Email:  [email protected]


Arthritis Self Help Group

Ovens Arthritis Self Help Group Inc.

President:            Norma Torriero | Phone: 03 5750 1309

Vice President:    Margaret Dean | Phone: 03 5752 1208


Breast Feeding Support

For the active Breast Feeding Support Groups in your area please contact;

Alpine Health  - Maternity Services Coordinator - Andrea Herrin

Call 0439 754 019  ( Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00am - 5.00pm)

Email [email protected]

Alpine Shire Council - Maternal and Child Health Service​

Call 0417 147 120 




Cancer Support

Mutual support and information for men and women with cancer and their families/carers

Upper Kiewa Valley Cancer Support Group

Contact:                    Trish Dixon

Phone:                      03 5754 4123 | 0429 170 365[email protected]

Meetings:                 Mt Beauty Hospital, 3rd Thursday of the month – 10 am


Hume Regional Integrated Cancer Services ( Hume RICS)

Supporting cancer patients, their carers and health professionals in the Border/East Hume Region.

Contact:              02 6064 1533 | [email protected]

Carer Support

Upper Murray Family Care - Carer Support

Support Options delivers the Victorian Support for Carers Program and assists carers who support a person with a disability, dementia, mental illness, chronic health condition, an older person with care needs, or a person in palliative care, and who lives in the Alpine Shire.

Carers Support Group - Myrtleford & Bright (Ovens Valley)

Monthly meetings to support family and friend carers in Myrtleford, Bright and surrounds.

The group is for all carers and provides social opportunities, peer support, information on services and supports and allows carers to speak in a safe and confidential space.

 UMFC Ovens Valley Carers Group 


Carers Support Group - Mount Beauty & Kiewa Valley


Villa Maria Carer Support

VILLA MARIA coordinates the following programs:          

Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre              1800 059 059

Commonwealth Carelink Centre                       1800 052 222              

Villa Maria - Wangaratta                                    1300 650 615   | [email protected]




Dementia Support

Upper Murray Family Care - Support Options

Support Options assists family and friend carers of people who have dementia through the Victorian Support for Carers Program and in affiliation with specialist dementia services to provide information, support, respite, workshops and events

Living with Dementia - 'Coffee Break'  - Mt Beauty

Regular get-togethers at the ‘Rose Café’ in the Mt Beauty Neighborhood Centre for small groups of people who are living with dementia and their family caregiver. The group will be for those people who are living at home or in the community.

This is an initiative of Mt Beauty Community and Health Advisory Group (CHAG).

Dementia Australia (formerly Alzheimers Australia)

Diabetes Support

Come along and meet other people living with diabetes in and around Mt Beauty.

We get together to share information, experiences and knowledge, therefore supporting each other and working together to improve each other's quality of life.  We discuss all issues diabetes in a relaxed and casual environment.

For more information please contact: 

Tony Coutts | 0427 544 824[email protected]

North East Multicultural Association (NEMA) Support Groups

NEMA helps to support community members from a non-English speaking background with education, advocacy and social activities.

NEMA are based in Wangaratta (Suite 3, 90-100 Ovens St) and are open 9.00am-3.00pm from Monday to Friday. Visit during these hours or call  03 5721 2090 or 0477 995 306 for more information

Activities in the Alpine Shire include:

  • English lessons in Bright on Tuesdays. Call 03 5721 2090 for more information.
  • Social group lunches in Bright on Wednesdays. Call Elvira on 0437 755 594 for more information.
  • Savoy Ladies (Italian group) lunches in Myrtleford on Thursdays. Call Gabriella on 5752 2181 for more information.

Mens Shed

Good health is based on many factors including feeling good about yourself, being productive, contributing to your community, connecting with friends and maintaining an active body and mind.

Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed provides a safe and busy environment where men can find many of these things in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship. And, importantly, there is no pressure. Men can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for. Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and would like something meaningful to do with that time.

Myrtleford Men's Shed

Phone:       (03) 5752 1361 | 0419 437 964

Email:         [email protected]


Location:    161 Standish Street, Myrtleford VIC 3737


Phone:        03 5750 1120 

Email:         [email protected]


Location:    14 Churchill Avenue, Bright, VIC 3741 (in behind the Bowls Club and the SES)


Mount Beauty Men's Shed 

Phone:              (03) 5754 4676 

Email:                [email protected]


Location:           2 Tennis Court Avenue, Mount Beauty, VIC 3699

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