Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program | Alpine Health
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Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program

Alpine Health is part of a state-wide Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program to support the development of healthy workplaces and workforces. By creating a healthy workplace, we are improving the culture of our organisation and helping our staff to make choices that support health and wellbeing.

Alpine Health registered with the Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program, which is supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria. This evidence-based health and wellbeing framework is aligned to the World Health Organisation’s model for healthy workplaces. This program is designed to build a healthy work environment and incorporates five health priority areas. Alpine Health is proud to have achieved all five health priority areas.

Alpine Health has adopted an Employee Health and Wellbeing Charter as a commitment to our work in building a healthy work environment. This charter forms the umbrella under which the five health priority areas sit.


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Improving workplace participation and increasing social inclusion can increase wellbeing and productivity. Mentally healthy workplaces have a positive workplace culture, help staff manage stress, support people with mental health conditions and have a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination.

 What we are doing
  • Provide training opportunities for staff to support their mental health and wellbeing, and that of their colleagues and the communities in which we work. This includes:
    • Mental Health First Aid
    • Prevention of bullying and harassment training
    • Upskilling management in identifying mental health in the workforce
    • Family Violence prevention training (MARAM Victim Survivor – Identification Practice)
  • Established a Mental Health and Wellbeing Procedure to provide guidance to all staff relating to the maintenance of a mentally healthy workplace.
  • We talk to our workforce to help us understand their needs regarding mental health and wellbeing to guide our response and activities to support a mentally healthy workplace.
  • Support staff recognition and reward.
  • We offer opportunities that encourage direct participation from staff to build a culture that supports mental health and wellbeing.

Achieved Recognition

Reducing smoking rates among staff and promoting a smokefree workplace helps protect the entire workforce from the harms of tobacco smoke, and can improve staff morale and health. Alpine Health supports a smokefree environment by having clear procedures, education, and resources to help assist smoking cessation.

What we are doing
  • Provide support to staff and patients who currently smoke by making Quit information packs available on all wards, residences and in program areas.
  • Maintain an environment that is smoke-free. This includes all buildings, and vehicles owned or operated by Alpine Health. Smoking is prohibited within 4 metres of Alpine Health facilities and grounds. 
  • Offer Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), available free for all inpatients during their stay.
Achieved Recognition

Alpine Health recognises the importance of consuming a variety of nutritious foods and drinks to support health and wellbeing. Alpine Health strives to create an environment which supports our staff, volunteers and visitors to make food and drink choices that benefit health and wellbeing.

What we are doing
  • Developed a Healthy eating procedure, Catering procedure and supporting documents.
  • Met the Healthy Choices Policy Directive which involved changes to the staff meals and workplace catering options.
  • Provide nutrition education to staff and volunteers through seasonal articles in the monthly newsletter.
  • Support and accommodate breastfeeding mothers. 

Achieved Recognition

A healthy diet helps maintain a healthy weight, boost energy, supports the immune system and reduces the risk of chronic disease. Alpine Health is conscious of creating a healthy eating culture where access to healthy and nutritious food is encouraged, areas are provided for food preparation, and staff are encouraged to bring healthy lunches.

What we are doing
  • Provide affordable healthy and nutritious food options for staff through our kitchens
  • Employ a Dietitian to support the provision of healthy and nutritious food within Alpine Health
  • Developed a healthy eating procedure to support staff in making good choices around food
  • Promote healthy eating options for catering services
  • Provide staff access to filtered and free water
  • Discontinued the regular purchase of bottled water
  • Make space available for breastfeeding mothers
Achieved Recognition

Alcohol and other drugs use is linked to serious health issues including addiction and cancer, and can affect workplace productivity through absenteeism, lateness, staff turnover, accidents and reduced performance. Alcohol and drug use can also affect staff morale and health. Alpine Health has clear procedures and provides educational opportunities to staff

What we are doing
  • Developed a procedure to support healthy alcohol and drug choices. 
  • Provide access to guidelines and resources that encourage the responsible use of alcohol.
  • Provide access to counselling and support to staff, their families, and volunteers experiencing difficulties with alcohol and other drug use. 
  • Promote alcohol and other drug use awareness through social media and newsletters. 

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation 

Achieved Recognition

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