Communities that Care Alpine | Alpine Health
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Communities that Care Alpine (CTCA)

ctca young people

Alpine Shire Youth Strategy 2022 - 2024 

This inaugural Alpine Shire Youth Strategy (the Youth Strategy) 2022-2024 sets the direction for the next three years, guiding Communities that Care Alpine (CTCA) and it's partners' efforts to cultivate resilience, wellbeing and opportunities for young people and their families in the Alpine Shire.

The Youth Strategy establishes a clear focus for CTCA and identifies CTCA's role, priorities, and initiatives to create the greatest positive impact for young people in Alpine Shire. 

The strategy outlines three priority areas with initiatives dropping out of each priority. The responsibilities and coordination of each initiative are clearly identified.

  • Priority 1: Young people are healthy, well, empowered and safe
  • Priority 2: Young people are flourishing in their chosen passions, goals, and aspirations
  • Priority 3: Young people are celebrated, and have a voice to shape their community

Click to access the Alpine Shire Youth Strategy 2022 - 2024 | CTCA is now in Phase 5.

Phase 5 - Implement and Evaluate the plan

A working document that details the initiatives within the strategy has been developed and is currently the reporting template for the CTCA Steering committee - Alpine Health, Alpine Shire Council, Nellen and Nesay.  Quarterly reports will provide community with updates according to a traffic light system. 

Youth Participation is measured according to the principles within Hart’s Ladder.  This measure will provide us with an understanding of the level of youth participation in relation to the initiatives within the Alpine Shire Youth Strategy.

CTCA Implementation Report – Highlights Feb 2023

Priority 1 - Young people are healthy, well, empowered and safe

CTCA Steering committee has engaged Whiskk to develop a strengths based communications strategy.  Whiskk were awarded the project after an Expressions of Interest process, then a selection criteria was completed by the CTCA steering committee.

Whiskk will be creating a communications plan to support implementation of initiatives resulting from the Alpine Shire Youth Strategy 2022-2024, including identifying and advising:

  • How young people in the Alpine Shire would like to receive information including events, services, employment opportunities, health information, access to services
  • Developing a style and messaging guide for consistency across the agencies
  • Developing collateral based around key themes
  • An evaluation framework that measures the effectiveness of communication to young people and the community

We look forward to promoting and delivering information to young people utilising this new approach. This work has been funded by Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal.

Priority 2 - Young people are flourishing in their chosen passions, goals and aspirations


  • This Federally funded project brings together young people to co-design a series of workshops that informs, guides, and supports them into economic independence AKA – a job! 
  • The workshops are happening now across Alpine, Indigo and Towong Shires and the City of Wodonga. Locations, dates and times will be confirmed upon registration.
  • To register or for further details: Mark Cottee on 0437 886 172 | [email protected]

Priority 3 - Young people are celebrated and have a voice to shape their community

Alpine Shire Council regularly recognise our young people through annual youth awards and diverse events. They regularly stay connected with youth through their Facebook page; be sure to check it out! - Facebook.


About CTCA

What is CTCA?

CTCA is a community-based initiative designed to promote the healthy social development of children and young people. Underpinned by the Social Development Strategy, CTCA aims to improve the lives of children, young people and families living in the Alpine Shire.

There are 5 phases to CTC which use an early intervention and prevention framework to guide communities towards identifying and understanding local needs, setting priorities, and implementing tested effective strategies to address those needs.

CTCA Steering Committee

Funding Partners

CTCA relies on funding to operate and gratefully acknowledges support from: 

Alpine Health is the auspice agency for CTCA.

ctca funding partners


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