Meg Crebbin announced as 2021 Bernece Delany Volunteer Award recipient
17 May 2021

The Bernece Delany Volunteer Award commenced in 2014 and recognises an individual who exemplifies the generosity of volunteering and who selflessly gives their time and talent to benefit others in the Alpine community. The annual Bernece Delany Volunteer Award is a unique local opportunity to say 'thank you'.
The 2021 Bernece Delany Volunteer Award was presented to Meg Crebbin today in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the Alpine Shire community. She is an active member of the Alpine Independent Aged Care Advocacy Service who support older people in the Alpine Shire to discuss issues or concerns, have their views heard, and navigate My Aged Care. This includes helping complete Advance Care Plans and Enduring Powers of Attorney. Meg is also a member of Alpine Telechat, a service that provides a regular social connection to isolated members of the community. Meg’s greatest impact may have been in her work bringing both live and recorded music to aged care residents at Kiewa Valley House. To support this, she recommended that Alpine Health staff and volunteers receive training in the Hammond Care Music Engagement Program. This Program is now established at Kiewa Valley House and provides personalised recordings of songs to enhance the lives of residents, especially those living with dementia. It has been shown that music activates different memories for older people and stimulates conversation with loved ones and carers.
Congratulations Meg, and thank you so much for enhancing the lives of older people in our community!
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