Healthy Eating | Alpine Health
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Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is one of the key actions to increase overall wellbeing and prevent chronic disease in the Alpine Shire. Our health promotion work involves creating supportive environments in the community which make healthy food choices the easiest choice.

Food and Nutrition

Vic Kids Eat Well

Alpine Health is supporting the delivery of Vic Kids Eat Well across the Alpine Shire. Vic Kids Eat Well is a state-wide movement focused on improving the food and drink environments where kids spend their time. This includes schools, outside school hours care, sports clubs and community facilities. Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government and is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

Healthy Choices

The Healthy Choices: policy directive for Victorian public health services has been mandated by the Victorian Government. It outlines criteria for the foods and drinks that are sold, provided and promoted at public hospitals and health services. Alpine Health met the policy directive in 2023 and continues to review the foods and drinks available to staff, volunteers and visitors to maintain compliance.

Alpine Home Harvest

Alpine Home Harvest (AHH) was a grow your own at home initiative, where participants received wicking beds and coaching to build skills and confidence in growing, storing, preparing and consuming fresh produce. The project aimed to address food insecurity and increase access to fresh fruit and vegetables. The AHH project was modelled on the successful Benalla Grow Your Own project, which has continued to expand. The AHH project was initially piloted in Myrtleford before being extended to Mount Beauty.  

View the Alpine Home Harvest Project Review

Alpine Food Security Working Group

The Alpine Food Security Working Group, re-established in 2024, is a local network comprised of key stakeholders from across the Alpine region. The purpose of the group is to support information sharing and collaboration on local food security initiatives. 

Early Years Projects

Alpine Health are in the process of developing a local pregnancy journey map which outlines the healthcare pathway during pregnancy. This will include details about the Maternity and Newborn Services available through Alpine Health.

How to access

Holly Zlatic - Health Promotion Worker

0461 583 388 | [email protected]

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