Hawthorn Village upgrade to facilities | Alpine Health
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Hawthorn Village upgrade to facilities

4 October 2021

Alpine Health has received almost $26,000 to upgrade facilities at Hawthorn Village, Bright through a state government initiative.

Disability, Ageing and Carers Minister Luke Donnellan on Friday announced Alpine Health was among 21 successful public sector aged care recipients of the $10m Rural Residential Aged Care Facilities Renewal Program. The renewal program supports improvement projects to deliver significant enhancements for aged care residents and help meet the growing demand for services in regional and rural Victoria.

The upgrade includes a new utility room and additional clinical hand basins for infection prevention and control measures within the facility.

Sarah Fagan, Health Services Manager at Bright said ‘”We are very pleased to receive the funding and have started work on the upgrades we need to continue to care for our local community. We hope to have completed the works by end of November 2021.”

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