Coronavirus testing for Victorian school staff | Alpine Health
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Coronavirus testing for Victorian school staff

Alpine Health will be supporting the Department of Health and Human Services with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) voluntary testing of Victorian school staff between 13 May to 26 May 2020 . The following days and times are available for school staff to be tested.





Myrtleford Hospital

03 5751 9300

Monday to Friday

2.30pm – 3.30pm

Bright Hospital

03 5755 0100

Monday to Friday

3.00 pm - 4.00pm

Mount Beauty Hospital

03 5754 3500

Monday to Friday

2.00pm – 3.00pm


How to access testing:

  • Download the information pack: Victorian school staff coronavirus (COVID-19) testing pack – what you need to know.Review the advice on what to do if you have/do not have symptoms.
  • Call and make an appointment at your preferred location and time Bookings are essential to maintain physical distancing requirements.
  • Complete the Rapid Screening Tool online or on a mobile device.
  • Present the Request for Test form provided by your school with your Medicare card and proof of Victorian school employment – such as your Victorian Institute of Training (VIT) card or payslip – at a testing site.

School staff with symptoms can also access a test from their local general practitioner, who may perform a test or refer staff to a testing clinic.

For release 20/5/2020

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