Mount Beauty District Hospital Car Park Refurbishment

Alpine Health will be refurbishing the main car park for Mount Beauty District Hospital to provide improved and safer parking, a small increase in parking for people with disabilities and improved access to the main Hospital building. The works will include:
- demolition of the existing main car park and small short-term carpark including pavement, adjacent footpath, kerb and channel,
- the construction of new pavement, footpath, kerb and channel and
- the installation of new lighting and wheel stops.
All works being conducted are contained to the Mount Beauty District Hospital site and there will be no changes involving Hollonds Street or Memorial Park.
Pedestrian access along Hollonds Street to Lakeside Avenue adjacent to the Hospital will not be impacted by the works.
The work is scheduled to commence in the week beginning Monday 3rd of February and it is anticipated the works will be completed within eight weeks, subject to weather conditions being favourable.
There may be some interrruptions to normal traffic flow. Alternative arrangements for staff parking during this period have been coordinated with West Peaks Hotel, however it is anticipated that these works will also have some impact on nearby parking with community members wanting to visit the hospital needing to seek alternative parking locations.
Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have any questions in relation to this project. We will undertake to communicate information in relation to this project and its progress with our local community members in the near future.
View Mt Beauty Hospital Car Park Plans
Leanne Kilpatrick
Health Services Manager, Mount Beauty
03 5754 3500 | [email protected]
Last updated 29 January 2020