16 Days of Activism to Prevent Gender Based Violence | Alpine Health
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16 Days of Activism to Prevent Gender Based Violence

Media Release | 25 November 2021

Respect Victoria Call it Out

The United Nation's 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual global campaign running from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

The Alpine Shire Council and Alpine Health are calling on our communities to support the Respect Women “Call it Out” campaign, which aims to help Victorian communities to unpack what respect means, what it looks like, and how to put it into practice in homes, relationships, workplaces, friendships and communities. Respect sits at the core of all safe, healthy and equal relationships.

Gender inequality involves devaluing or disrespecting women or their contributions. Research has consistently found that disrespect increases the likelihood of violence against women. Alpine Shire Council and Alpine Health want to inspire action and to encourage members of our communities to embrace the types of behaviours and actions that lead to respect.

Alpine Shire Council and Alpine Health are supporting and coordinating events, providing access points for information and promoting the campaign through our social media platform for our community and respective workforces as follows:

Saturday 27 November – Ora Holt Memorial Day

  • A family event beginning at the Freeburgh Hall, from 8:00am following a 12 km track to the Alpine Park in Wandiligong for an afternoon of entertainment and fundraising to support the 4Bright kids and careers future foundation. 
  • You can choose your mode of participation in the trek: horse ride, walk/hike/run, ride your adventure or mountain bike or just come along for the afternoon entertainment.
  • For more information see Facebook @4kidsandcarersfuturefoundation OR call Fran Bentley 0417 435 139.

Sunday 5 December@2:00pm - “On the Basis of Sex”. 

  • In partnership with Sun Cinema Bright this film screening tells the true story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her struggles for equal rights, and the early cases of a historic career that lead to her nomination and confirmation as U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice.
  • A light refreshment will be served.  Tickets can be purchased on-line or direct from the Cinema. https://sunbright.com.au/ or email: [email protected].

Throughout the campaign, drop into any Alpine Shire library and participate in the “Respect Is…”  boards, and grab some campaign materials. 

Please check our socials and like our posts, but most importantly let’s begin the conversation and actions that raise awareness about gender-based violence, challenge discriminatory attitudes and call for improved laws and services and systems to end violence against women

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, help is available.  Contact one of these services:

In an emergency call Police


Rainbow Door

1800 729 367

The Orange Door – Ovens Murray

1800 271157


1800 105 303

Safe Steps

1800 015 188  

24/7 Victorian response service

In Touch Multicultural Centre

1800 755 988


1800 737 732 

24/7 Counselling and support service

Kid’s Help Line

1800 55 1800

No to Violence

1300 766 491

Seniors Rights Victoria

1300 368 821


More information

Lisa Neville 

Health Promotion Officer | CTC Alpine Coordinator | SHRFV / MARAM | Gender Equality

[email protected] | 0439 007 412


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