New Day Stay Chair Infusion Chair for Bright Hospital thanks to the Bright Hospital Op Shop and a private donor | Alpine Health
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New Day Stay Infusion Chair for Bright Hospital thanks to the Bright Hospital Op Shop

26 September 2022

Picture L to R: Sarah Fagan (Alpine Health - Health Services Manager, Bright), Eileen Hunter (Bright Hospital Op Shop – Acting President), Lesley Finch (Alpine Health – Nurse Unit Manager, Bright)

The Bright Hospital Op Shop together with the proceeds of the sale of the book 'Foot to the Floor' contributed $8400 to purchase a new Day Stay Infusion chair for the Bright Hospital.

During COVID lockdowns the Bright community and surrounds were faced with long drives to major hospitals for particular infusions. During this time the Bright Hospital engaged with other health care facilities to provide infusions locally where possible for the community.

The Day Stay Infusion Chair enables the patients receiving infusions to be more comfortable, with electronic controls, wider arms which can be converted to a table for personal belongings, as well as being removable for ease of access for people with mobility issues. The chair improves safety through quick release control function which places the patient into a laying down position to allow the staff to attend to their clinical deterioration.

Patients at Bright Hospital have expressed that being able to receive treatment in the chair rather than laying in a patient bed has greatly improved their day stay.

Nick Shaw, Alpine Health CEO said “the patients and staff of Bright Hospital are extremely grateful for this generous donation.”

“On behalf of Alpine Health I would like to recognise the hard work and significant contribution of the Bright Hospital Op Shop that has improved the health outcomes of the patients at Bright Hospital.”

Alpine Health would also like to acknowledge the contribution from the proceeds of the sale of local book ‘Foot To The Floor’ that tells the story of the ambulance service in Bright. A team of Bright locals funded the printing of the book and helped to sell copies to raise money for the hospital.

Donations like these through the Hospital Op Shops continue to contribute to the delivery of local services for local people.

More Information

Nadine Peppler, Marketing & Communications Officer | 0488 444 367

Edited 5 October 2022

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