Feedback | Alpine Health
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Do you have a compliment or feedback about your experience with an Alpine Health program or service? Sharing your feedback can help improve the care and support we provide. You can do this in a number of ways.

Care Opinion (independent & confidential feedback)

Alpine Health partners with Care Opinion to gather feedback from our patients, clients, residents and carers / loved ones. The Care Opinion platform is independent and confidential.

How can I provide confidential feedback?

► Call 1300 662 996 and speak to the Care Opinion team.

► Complete a hard copy Care Opinion feedback form available at each site.

► Online with Care Opinion below or visit

If you provide feedback, Care Opinion may get in touch to clarify your experience. Care Opinion will ask Alpine Health to respond to your feedback but will never reveal your identity.

► Watch this video about Care Opinion and how your feedback can make a difference.

► View Feedback about Alpine Health.



What happens when things don't go to plan?

Sometimes your treatment or outcome isn’t what you or even the clinicians providing the care expected. If something doesn’t go to plan, Alpine Health has systems and processes in place to support a thorough investigation of the adverse event, make recommendations and implement systems improvements to reduce the likelihood of the adversity happening again. 

Open Disclosure and Statutory Duty of Candour processes aim to help consumers and their carers receive accurate and truthful information about any adverse events occurring as a result of healthcare provided.

  • Open disclosure is followed in all cases of harm and near miss, regardless of how serious the event was.
  • Duty of candour is followed for all serious adverse safety events. It builds on existing elements of open disclosure and encourages open communication when a serious adverse safety event has occurred.

Open Disclosure

Open Disclosure helps consumers and their carers receive accurate and truthful information about any adverse events occurring as a result of healthcare provided. 

The Australian Open Disclosure Framework provides a nationally consistent basis for communication following unexpected healthcare outcomes and harm. It is designed so that patients are treated respectfully after adverse events.

Consumer Resource - Open Disclosure

Duty of Candour

The Duty of Candour is a new legislative requirement for Victorian health services, which came into effect on 30 November 2022.  

The Duty of Candour builds on existing elements of open disclosure as outlined in the Australian Open Disclosure Framework and encourages open, honest communication when a patient has suffered a serious adverse patient safety event while receiving care.    

Under these requirements, the Duty of Candour ensures that patients and their families/carers receive the following when a serious adverse patient safety event occurs:

  • an apology 
  • the facts of the event, i.e. what happened and why
  • the health service response to the event, i.e. what the health service did at the time of and after the event
  • an outline of the steps being taken to prevent similar events from happening again.

Consumer Resource - Duty of Candour
Consumer Resource - Duty of Candour - FAQs
Consumer Resource - Duty of Candour - Poster

Safety & Quality at Alpine Health

Alpine Health’s clinical governance ensures that our community and consumers can be confident that systems are in place to deliver safe and high-quality health care, and continuously improve services. 

Safer Care Victoria describes clinical governance as an integrated component of the corporate governance of health service organisations. It ensures that everyone – from our frontline clinicians to managers and members of our Board – is accountable to our consumers across all our services and the broader community for assuring the delivery of health services that are safe, effective, integrated, high quality and continuously improving.

View Alpine Health Safety and Quality Data 

Information about Healthcare complaints

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare has developed a range of information to help guide you through the complaints process and where you can make a complaint.

Where to start

Tips for making a complaint

Take your complaint to a different organisation

Contact details for Victorian healthcare complaints organisations

Health Complaints Commissioner (Victoria)

Phone: 1300 582 113

Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (Victoria)

Phone: 1800 246 054


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