Help shape the strategic direction of Alpine Health!
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Help shape the strategic direction of Alpine Health services!

21 November 2022

Service planning

Alpine Health is currently undertaking work to develop our next Service Plan for 2023-2028.

The Service Plan is a strategic document that outlines what needs to be done in the next five years and why. The Plan aligns health service delivery with community needs, which are determined through community engagement, stakeholder consultation and environmental analyses. The Plan also aligns Alpine Health with state and federal health priorities.

Community engagement is critical in shaping and informing the strategic directions for Alpine Health.

We invite our community to participate in the community consultation activities and share your thoughts, ideas and what matters most for health and aged care services in the Alpine Shire!

You can participate by;

  • Completing the online Community Survey or
  • Attending one of our Community Consultation Events.

About the online Community Survey

Aspex Consulting has been engaged to undertake the development of a strategic service plan for Alpine Health. As part of the consultation process to inform this work we are seeking input from the local community. This survey aims to gather information directly from local residents and users of Alpine Health services. Any information you provide will not be identified and will be treated confidentially. 

This survey will take 5-7 minutes of your time to complete. Click to access the Community Survey

If you have any queries or concerns about this survey, please contact Aspex Consulting by emailing [email protected].

Community Consultation Events

Date Time & Location Register 

28 Nov 2022


2.00pm to 3:30pm

Multipurpose Room, Myrtleford Hospital,

30 O'Donnell Ave, Myrtleford VIC 3737

Afternoon tea provided

 Click to Register 

29 Nov 2022

10:30am to 12noon

Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre

Tennis Court Ave, Mount Beauty VIC 3699

Morning tea provided

 Click to Register

29 Nov 2022

7.00pm to 8:30pm

Online Session via MS Teams 

 Join on your computer, or mobile app 

 Click here to join the meeting

 Meeting ID: 492 474 393 481
 Passcode: x2Zd4y

 Download Teams | Join on the web

30 Nov 2022

10:30am to 12noon

The Pavilion, Pioneer Park,

Bright VIC 3741

Morning tea provided

 Click to Register

If you have any questions about Service Planning for 2023-2028, Aspex Consulting or the Community Consultation Events please contact Linda Charles on 03 5751 9344 or [email protected].

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